
A bagunça que eu fiz.

As portas do elevador abriram e eu olhei pra ele... Tinham tantas coisas entaladas na minha garganta, mas não importava o quanto eu abria a minha boca, elas não saiam. Aqueles olhos tristes me encararam pela ultima vez e finalmente as portas se fecharam de novo, eu sabia que tinha acabado, eu sabia que não iria mais ver ele e o pior de tudo eu não fiz nada pra impedir... Fiquei lá encarando o vazio, esperando que magicamente eu acordasse de um devaneio, de um longo pesadelo, então eu olharia para a tela do celular e como outro passe de mágica ele estaria me ligando. Estaríamos bem, estaríamos juntos de novo. Se passaram alguns minutos e eu finalmente me movi, não sei por onde eu fui mas de algum jeito eu acabei no meio da rua andando sem caminho por uma calçada cheia de pessoas vazias, cheia de sorrisos bobos e olhares tristes.. É incrível como as pessoas estão sempre perdidas em seus mundinhos e não reparam nas coisas mais óbvias que estão a sua frente, eu já tinha passado por pe...

Sweet Sixteen.

E o mês do meu aniversário já acabou mas aqui em casa ainda estamos todos em clima de festa. Nunca tinha realmente planejado uma festa de aniversário, mas por motivos de "deu na cabeça" eu decidi fazer uma esse ano e tudo o que eu posso dizer pra vocês é que foi a coisa mais simples da terra mas mesmo assim foi incrível.

The way i love you.

You are my 3 a.m. thought I don't know what is going on But i cant forgot About that night Who starts with love and end with fight Without you i am lost And the part that i regret the most  Is letting you go away Without saying a thing About the way You Smile at me In the morning Never complain About anything Even that now i am sad i would never regret The way i love you.  -Fangirl.

A Sad Truth.

     Nothing goes the way we plan, sometimes that is in a good way but no one really cares when something is better, do they?      Everything will break and we can not do anything about it because nothing is forever, people go away, there's life.      Every one has their own goodbye, some huts more than others, but even if we don't admit they all hurt in their own special ways too.      All it takes are some SECONDS to destroy something that takes years to be build.      You can't fake forever, one day we will have to be true to ourselves and there is the part that hurts the most. Stop lying to yourself, be true and get it done.      You ate the one who breaks your own heart, when you are true to yourself , and you say "the end has come".      Then everything gets dark, because it's more than you can take, you will get sad, you will blame other people before realizing that...

One Expression Speaks More Than 1 Million Words.

the smile that i was talking about.       I am very expressive person and sometimes like on Theater that's a great thing, but in other things like... hm... LIFE that's terrible, because you can't lie even if that's to make someone feels better.      You know, sometimes one person you love does something wrong and you want to make her feel better with little white lie, so you do that face where you want to pass compassion, and love to make her feel that you are there for her... When i start doing that face i have to freeze my emotions and try to stay calm... and as you may know by the tittle of the blog i don't calm down, so my jaw starts to hurt, and there's pain in my eyes but i keep trying to show the smile and with a little more time the smile turns into a THING that seems that i'm trying to get something out of my body.... And that will be, the POOP face. And the person knows that i am lying actually sometimes they think: "Look at this poor ...

Paylist: Party with you Friends

you're probably asking why i choose this picture... it's because this is a EPIC DANCE!  I made this playlist thinking about one little party with my friends, this musics all talk about friendship. Hope you enjoy

Boys like Girls - She's got a boyfriend now

I really love this song, actually i love the hole album but this song is kinda of special to me, that's why i really do hope you enjoy this story, is very short but i love it <3 hopo you do the same ;) We were 17 , knew each other for years and we used to do everything together, we looked to the future and planned like everything was possible just like in our dreams. At the time the problems were invisible and even with all the teen drama we never thought we would break up. I couldn't imagine a life without her and vice versa. Now, here I am in the back road reading one of her letters and reminding my travel to Los Angeles right after high school for the girl with the smile that could take your breath away. I was sure that everything was going to be alright and that I would bring her back, but when I got there I saw that life could put obstacles right in front of you. The streets Keep holding on but she's so far gone. I would give anything to turn back time and...